BI Mycorrhiza
Mycorrhiza fungi spores germinate and grow as microscopic filaments, these then attach and penetrate the roots of most plants to form a symbiotic state. The filaments absorb water and nutrients from the soil and deliver them to the plant. In return the plant provides essential sugars and other nutrients to the Mycorrhiza. Mycorrhiza also actively produces humic compounds and organic ‘glues’ glomalin that bind soil particles together, improving soil porosity and soil structure that improves the plant’s ability to tolerate and recover from water deficits. They also produce compounds that dissolve hard to absorb elements such as phosphorous, iron and other partially soluble soil nutrients. These extraction processes are particularly important in plant nutrition and improve the plants ability to take-up nutrients in comparison to non-inoculated plants. Growth-stimulating compounds which cause the plant to produce additional roots on which the fungi can grow. The fungi form an extensive filament system within the soil that complements and increases the plant root system for nutrient uptake.